Dufatanye Organization began as an association in 2003 and later became a Non-Governmental Organization in Rwanda. Initiated by Mr. Karema Godfrey who is the founder and the CEO, it is his vision to help the large number of people affected by malnutrition, HIV/AIDS, Genocide and poverty in the community.

This has been done through the Green Village of Hope Program where we construct kitchen gardens, carry out capacity building trainings, provide laying hens and fruit trees to every household within the village while teaching them smart climate resilient agricultural practices and saving skills.

​Dufatanye, which means “Join Together”, partners with other individuals and organizations to bring the vision to reality.

Dufatanye Organization was founded in 2015 under the law No. 20/200 on the 26th July 2000 which governs the Non-Profit Organizations in Rwanda.

In December 2016, it was legally registered with the Rwanda Government Board and received it’s permanent certificate (N0. 451/RGB/NGO/LP/03/2019).